Celebration of the 60th anniversary of independence by the Embassy of Algeria in Bangladesh
Celebration of the 60th anniversary of independence by the Embassy of Algeria in Bangladesh
Celebration of the 60th anniversary of independence by the Embassy of Algeria in Bangladesh
On the occasion of the celebration of the National Day of Remembrance, marking the anniversary of May 8, 1945, the diplomatic staff of the Embassy of Algeria in Bangladesh and at its head the Ambassador proceeded, this day 8 May 2022, inside the Embassy, at the raising of the national flag on intonation of the …
This year (2022) we celebrate the 60th anniversary of Victory Day, which correspons on March 19 of each year. This anniversary culminated in the armed struggle of an entire people that did not stop fighting the barbaric French colonialism since it set foot on the Algerian soil in 1830 until the brilliant victory on July …
On the occasion of the celebration of the national day of the Chahid which coincides with February 18 of each year, a symbolic ceremony took place at the level of the Embassy. After the raising of the colors of the national flag and the intonation of the national anthem as well as the recitation of …
November 1, 1954 is, in my view and rightly, the most decisive step in the long process of maturation of the national movement and which led to the independence of Algeria and the reconstruction of its state. No one should forget that the revolution of November 1, 1954 against French colonialism is a revolution in …
October 17, 1961 is a date, which is part of the long process of reaffirmation of the Algerian Nation and State. May God the Almighty accept in his Vast Paradise, the members of the Algerian Community who were massacred in France, on this day.
“On behalf of the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, and in my capacity as Minister in charge of the National Community abroad, I have the great privilege to warmly greet our compatriots living abroad for the admirable patriotic surge with which they redouble their commitment and dedication to take part in their nation’s …
March 19, 1962, marks the Victory of Algerian Independence against French Colonialism. On the same day, the president of Provisional Government of the Republic Algeria (GPRA) Benyoncef BENKHADA proclaimed a cease-fire on the whole of Algerian territory at the end of the Evian Accords and after an armed revolution which lasted about eight years. In …