Algerian Embassy

سفارة الجزائر ، دكا

আলজেরিয়া দূতাবাস, ঢাকা

Embassy of Algeria, Dhaka

Ambassade d'Algérie, Dhaka

Victory Day of Algeria

March 19, 1962, marks the Victory of Algerian Independence against French Colonialism.

On the same day, the president of Provisional Government of the Republic Algeria (GPRA) Benyoncef BENKHADA proclaimed a cease-fire on the whole of Algerian territory at the end of the Evian Accords and after an armed revolution which lasted about eight years.

In commemoration of this date, the Algerian Embassy in Bangladesh Expresses its hopes for more progress and prosperity to our dear country, made free thanks to the sacrifices of our glorious martyrs (chouhadas). The Embassy also wishes every success to the Algerian Community in Bangladesh, Which is gradually starting to

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