Algerian Embassy

سفارة الجزائر ، دكا

আলজেরিয়া দূতাবাস, ঢাকা

Embassy of Algeria, Dhaka

Ambassade d'Algérie, Dhaka

The path traveled by Mujibur Rahman

As part of the program “Visit Bangladesh 2022”, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Bangladesh, from December 15 to 21, the participants of this event visited the mausoleum of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, at Upazila, in the city of Tungipara, 200 km southwest of the capital Dhaka.

The father of the nation, Mujibur Rahman (1920-1975), is buried near the family home, in this same historical complex which drains a large number of people on this weekend day. When we arrived, the atmosphere was special. The welcoming ceremony was marked by the presence of officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in particular the director general of this department, Toufik Hassan. After laying a wreath in memory of the first President of Bangladesh, Mujibur Rahman, the focus was on the celebration of Independence Day in 1971, on this personality’s loyalty to his motherland and his dedication for the preservation of the stability of the country.

Dhaka, which has a population of over 22 million, is a bustling and cosmopolitan city, with many museums, art galleries and historical sites that attract visitors, especially on weekends.
They can also take full advantage of the libraries, learn about the history told by on-site guides and take a total break from work and other daily activities during the holidays. Young people, like everywhere in the world, are more and more fond of the internet, preferring to get information using their phones. “I come here every weekend to read a book that has a link with my speciality,”

confided to us, with a broad smile, Emran Sarkar Abir, a young physics student at the University of Dhaka. The “Visit Bangladesh 2022” program ended on this day with the visit of the
participants to the Mujibur-Rahman museum where photos retracing his political itinerary and his fight for independence and freedom attract many people. Among the photos taken with the
Presidents of several countries, we noted two photos of Mujibur Rahman with President Houari Boumediene, marking two key events dating back to the 1970s: This is the Islamic Summit in
Lahore, Pakistan, in 1974, and the 4th Summit of the Conference of Non-Aligned Countries which took place in Algiers in 1973.
Moreover, as a reminder, the newspaper El Moudjahid had published an article on the subject at that time, a copy of which is in the reception room of the Bangladeshi Embassy in Algiers. It was 50 years ago.

Exhibition of President Mujibur Rahman,
a famous image of Houari Boumediène… 50 years after

On the second day, invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we had the opportunity to see Mujibur Rahman’s birthplace, which also includes, in addition to his family home, his tomb and those of his parents, as well as a garden. This exhibition is on the second floor of the mausoleum complex bearing his name, in the town of Tungipara, 200 km southwest of the capital.
This gallery contains photos of the meetings of the founder of the modern state with foreign leaders. The Non-Aligned Movement was created during the Cold War and also during the
collapse of the colonial system, the struggle of the peoples of Africa, Asia, Latin America and other parts of the world for independence. The purpose of the organization is to ensure the
independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of non-aligned countries. The efforts of the movement, since the first days of its creation, represent a key factor in the process of decolonization, which then led to the success of many countries and peoples in obtaining their freedom and independence.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visited Algeria in 1973 to participate in the Fourth Summit of Non-Aligned Countries, which Algeria hosted in September of the same year. During the Algiers summit, the two leaders had started discussions on several issues and assessed the problems of the time, with the adoption of a common policy in the framework of international relations. S.B