Algerian Embassy

سفارة الجزائر ، دكا

আলজেরিয়া দূতাবাস, ঢাকা

Embassy of Algeria, Dhaka

Ambassade d'Algérie, Dhaka

The Algerian National Mujaheed Day

Today, we celebrate the double anniversary of August 20, 1955 and August 20, 1956. The events of August 20, 1955 began 10 months after the outbreak of the glorious liberation revolution, when the leaders of the revolution were planning to launch massive attacks in the north of Constantinople, aimed at breaking the barrier imposed on the first region and giving a strong motivation to the revolution. On August 20, 1956, the Fasting Conference was held in the village of Ivry, calling for the unification of the military regime and the drawing up of a new map of our country.

This conference paved the way for the establishment of the transitional government and then the independence of our beloved country.
Glory and eternity to our honorable martyrs, and long live free and independent Algeria.