Algerian Embassy

سفارة الجزائر ، دكا

আলজেরিয়া দূতাবাস, ঢাকা

Embassy of Algeria, Dhaka

Ambassade d'Algérie, Dhaka

Algeria – Foreign Minister Addresses United Nations General Debate, 79th Session

The Most Merciful

And peace and blessings be upon his truthful and trustworthy Prophet

1. Thank you, Mr. President. We meet again in the bosom of our international organization and our world is going through a very delicate, sensitive and dangerous turning point.
-A turning point characterized by the accumulation of conflicts, crises and wars, the widening gap in developmental disparities between the North and the South, and the exacerbation of the severity of climate changes and environmental risks of all kinds and forms.
-A turning point that reveals the extent of the deficit that has afflicted the collective security system in light of the tendency to resolve disputes by force, the excessive and selective resort to unilateral punitive measures, the laxity in fulfilling the obligations undertaken, the disregard for international legitimacy, as well as the spread of the phenomenon of polarization and the accompanying absence of the role of the Security Council and the decline that affects international multilateral action as a whole,
– And last but not least, a turning point that risks the entire system of international relations, with its rules, principles and controls codified by the United Nations Charter, and with the mechanisms, structures and institutions that are based on it, which have been put in service of the aspirations, ambitions and goals that bind our countries.

2 From this perspective, looking forward to the eighth decade of the life of the United Nations should be an opportunity to renew our commitment to what unites us in an international system based on the rule of law, not the rule of force, on the force of law, not the law of force, and on the force of logic, not the logic of force. Today, we are in dire need of renewing our commitment and resorting to the United Nations Charter and to the rules of international law, before which we are all equal and in the duty to respect and abide by them.

3 What is happening in Gaza from a war of genocide that has been ongoing for almost a whole year, and what is happening from the extension of this war to the West Bank recently, and to Lebanon currently, and what is happening in the entire region from Israeli escalation with multiple aspects and fronts, all of this would not have happened if the international community had taken a firm position at the time, imposing on the Israeli settlement occupation what was imposed on others in terms of punitive measures and deterrent measures that were codified by the charter of our Organization in its seventh chapter.

4- It is more appropriate for the international community today to hasten to put an end to the hell imposed on the Palestinian and Lebanese
peoples, and to curb the Israeli occupier and its desire to enter the Middle East region into a cycle of crises, conflicts and permanent and endless
wars. The international community should also realize that it is facing a critical and pivotal stage in the history of the Palestinian issue;
-A phase that does not accept a return to what came before it,
-A phase that does not accept hesitation or inaction in supporting the Palestinian national project,
-A phase that does not tolerate procrastination or delay in supporting the move towards establishing an independent and sovereign Palestinian
State as a just, permanent and final solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

5- From this platform, and in its previous session, the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, called on our international organization to expedite the acceptance of full membership for the State of Palestine. This was in less turbulent, crisis-ridden and tragic circumstances in the occupied Palestinian territories and in the rest of the
Palestinian neighborhood.

6- But today, as the Palestinian issue is going through its darkest historical stage ever, this approach has become imposing itself with all inevitability, all insistence and all urgency. The full membership of the State of Palestine in our organization remains a decisive step towards preserving the two-States solution, towards confronting the Israeli occupation's preparations to thwart it, or even abort it, and towards preserving the constants of resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict and the foundations of security and stability in the region.

7- As for the developments in its regional neighborhood, Algeria & conviction remains firm that confronting the complex challenges facing the countries and peoples of the region requires international support and global solidarity to raise the various challenges that weigh heavily on the entire space of our African affiliation.

8- In the same context, my country aspires to a final liquidation of colonialism, by turning the last page of its pages that unfortunately still exist before us on the land of Western Sahara. The Secretary-General of  the United Nations and his Personal Envoy have our full support and backing in view of their efforts aimed at enabling the two parties to the conflict, the Kingdom of Morocco and the Polisario Front, to resume the path of direct negotiations with the aim of reaching a political solution that guarantees the Sahrawi people the exercise of their inalienable and
imprescriptible right to self-determination.

9 – and to those who bet on consecrating the colonial fait accompli by buying time, falsifying conclusive data and intensifying desperate maneuvers to divert attention from what is fixed and clear, we affirm that the phenomenon of colonialism is destined to disappear, sooner or later, and that the legitimate and legitimate rights of the Sahrawi people will find their way to implementation sooner or later.

10- As for neighboring Libya, Algeria stresses the inevitability of accelerating the treatment of the scourge of foreign interventions that exhaust the capabilities of this brotherly country and fuel clashes and conflicts between its people. Then and only then can the Libyan brothers come together on a consensual basis that facilitates the achievement of the goals of national reconciliation, and facilitates the movement towards organizing free, fair and transparent elections, and all this is in the service of the highest goal that we hope for and implore from the depths of our
conscience, which is the unification of Libya, its people, land, government and institutions.

11- At the continental level, Algeria continues its efforts and endeavors aimed at making a qualitative contribution to comprehensive African action, in light of the priorities determined by the continental agenda in a decisive and conclusive manner.
-Africa looks forward first to activating African-originated solutions, development and implementation to extinguish the flames of conflicts and resolve the various crises and disputes that the countries and peoples of the continent are suffering from.
-Secondly, Africa looks forward to winning the bets of economic development and joining the ranks of the revolutions currently witnessed  in the fields of artificial intelligence, digitization and renewable energy.
-Thirdly, Africa looks forward to advancing its strategic priorities that lie at the heart of reforming international financial, monetary and banking institutions to improve African representation in them, structurally addressing global debt, as well as international financing appropriate to the requirements of development at the continental level.-Fourthly, and finally, Africa looks forward to correcting the historical
injustice imposed on it in the Security Council and enabling it to occupy its rightful place in this central UN Organization, as an extension of its recent accession as a permanent member of the G20.

12- With the same commitment that it has on the continental level, Algeria continues its efforts and endeavors aimed at establishing a balanced, beneficial and purposeful partnership in its neighborhood in the Saharan Sahel.
13- This is a region that is experiencing fragile conditions as a result of the countries of this space suffering from the worsening political unrest, the increasing terrorist threats, the spread of the severity of poverty and the absence of sustainable development prospects, in addition to the exacerbation of the phenomenon of climate changes.

14- In light of these conditions, Algeria renews its absolute solidarity with all countries and peoples of the Saharan Sahel region, affirming its firm conviction that its security, stability and well-being are an integral part of the security, stability and well-being of its neighborhood and its African space of belonging.

15- A representative of a country from this space has uttered and dared to speak to my country in a vile manner that is not at all befitting the dignity of such a position, and it is absolutely not right to keep up with him in his trivial and vile verbal outburst. My country will not respond to such a lowly and ill-mannered language except with a polite and refined language, which is the language that truly reflects its loyalty and devotion to the deep-rooted ties that unite it with the countries and peoples of the region, which are not affected or shaken by passing circumstantial
factors, however bad they may be and the poor quality of those who are behind their incitement.

16- My country has a strong will, an outstretched hand, and a broad chest, whenever circumstances require dealing with all our brothers in order to build a coastal edifice that enjoys security, safety, tranquility, and prosperity.

17- Today, Algeria is taking firm and solid steps on the right path established by the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, to strengthen the country's political and institutional stability, and to build a strong and diversified national economy that ends dependence on the hydrocarbon sector, and to enhance the social character of the Algerian
State as a fixed principle, and as a solid legacy of our liberation revolution.

18- This approach has borne fruit in its first signs by consecrating the country's security and stability and consolidating its democratic path, especially during the recent presidential elections, as well as by establishing the foundations for a complete and comprehensive economic renaissance, which has restored the national economy's position in Africa
among the three strongest economies on the continent, and has opened up a wide range of opportunities for cooperation and partnership that are profitable for all parties.

19- In light of these achievements, Algeria is working to strengthen its relations with all sisterly, friendly and partner countries in its areas of affiliation and outside these areas of affiliation, and my country also aspires to continue working closely with all member States of our international organization that share the same commitment and concern for upholding the principles and values ​​enshrined in the United Nations Charter.

20- Although the situation our world is going through today is so difficult and dangerous that it challenges the strongest wills and discourages the most ardent and determined resolves, we are confident that hope remains and that ambition remains available. From crises, opportunities are born, from the womb of suffering, increasing enthusiasm, and from the heart of adversity, hope shines for a tomorrow that we hope from the depths of our hearts will be better for current and future generations.
21- Thank you, Mr. President.